Using Bildindex, I see lots of captions in German. And I have just enough German to be not able to translate them properly. Because they are as obscure as the English captions are. Fortunately they are also standardised like the English ones, so after a bit of guesswork, I can work out what the standard labels are mostly.
Here's my list so far (I'll try to update it):
- Verkundigung = Annunciation (when the Angels told Mary she was going to have a baby - March 25)
- Johannes der Täuber = John the Baptist
- Schwiegermutter = Mother in law
- 3 Frauen am Grabe = 3 Marys at the grave (Jesus's grave, finding it empty)
- "Noli me Tangere" (latin, not german) ="touch me not" - what Jesus said to Mary Magdalen
- Ungläubiger Thomas = doubting Thomas
- Martertod=Martyrdom
- Himmelfahrt = Ascension (being lifted bodily to heaven, as Christ and Mary are shown)
- Geburt = Birth of
- Kreutzigung = Crucifixtion
- Maria = Mary (generally as in "the virgin" Mary)
- Christi = Christ, Jesus
- Steinigung = Stoning
- Flucht nach Ägypien = Flight to Egypt
- Beschneidung = the Circumcision (generally of Jesus)
- Darstellung im Tempel = Presentation in the temple (the equivalent of christening)
- enstehungsort = point of origin
- Evangeliar/evangelium = Gospel book/gospels
- Graduale = Gradual (choir book used in the Mass, ordered for the liturgical year; also included introits, tracts, alleluias, offertories, and communions)
- Antiphon = Antiphon ("One or more psalm verses or sentences from Holy Scripture which are sung or recited before and after each psalm and the Magnificat during Matins and Vespers")
- Gebetbuch = prayerbook
- Glossar = gloss/glossary ("a collection of words about which observations and notes have been gathered")
- Kreuzzug = crusade
Some terms used to describe cathedral treasury contents (mostly metalwork):
- Eichenholz = oak
- Email = enamel
- emailliert = enamelled
- Siber = silver
- Silberblech = sheet silver
- Wappen = crest/device/coat of arms
- Truhe = chest/coffer
- Kunstgewerbe = arts-and-crafts/applied arts
- Zedernholz = Cedar
- Kupfer = copper
- lasiert = glazed
- vergoldet = gilded/gold plated
- kasel = chausible
- chormantel =? cope
- edelmetall = precious metal
- Hohlguss = hollow casting
- Geißel = flagellum
- Karl der Große = Charlemange
- Ziborium = Ciborium
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