If you are looking for pictures of period tents, here are some great sites:
- The tents of history - a text only fairly comprehensive list of images of tents
- Zelte (german for tent) -an illustrated list of 9th-16 C tent images
- Sara van den Hoven's blog, tent category - musings on tents with occasional pictures and cutting plans
- Design of Renaisance Pavillions - a nice illustrated look at tent shapes (thanks Sara for the link)
- Surviving Medieval Pictures of Tents and Pavilions - a page of partial catalogues of images of tents, and links to a couple of extant 16-17th C tents. In fact, his entire tents index page is useful.
- Svein's Pavillion odessy- 13-16th C images of tents
- Medieval Pavillion Resources Tent Gallery - featuring links to both western and eastern images of tents
- Tent pictures of house greydragon - 13-16th C images of tents (mostly 15-16th C)
- links to images of setting up pavillions in the middle ages (mostly 14-15th C)
- Medieval pavillion resources - I'm not sure how well edited the quality is (no time to check right now), but the quantity is large
- A sorta taxonomy of pavilions - for distinguishing common medeival tent types, although note terminology varies widely
- Things I've learnt the hard way - mistakes not to make when constructing pavillions
- Pavilion Information from House Greydragon - lots of interesting information including extant tents
You have mad a wonderful collection :o) :o)
Updates today to add house greydragon links.
ReplyDeleteGood reading yoour post