Here's my list so far (I'll try to update it):
- Verkundigung = Annunciation (when the Angels told Mary she was going to have a baby - March 25)
- Johannes der Täuber = John the Baptist
- Schwiegermutter = Mother in law
- 3 Frauen am Grabe = 3 Marys at the grave (Jesus's grave, finding it empty)
- "Noli me Tangere" (latin, not german) ="touch me not" - what Jesus said to Mary Magdalen
- Ungläubiger Thomas = doubting Thomas
- Martertod=Martyrdom
- Himmelfahrt = Ascension (being lifted bodily to heaven, as Christ and Mary are shown)
- Geburt = Birth of
- Kreutzigung = Crucifixtion
- Maria = Mary (generally as in "the virgin" Mary)
- Christi = Christ, Jesus
- Steinigung = Stoning
- Flucht nach Ägypien = Flight to Egypt
- Beschneidung = the Circumcision (generally of Jesus)
- Darstellung im Tempel = Presentation in the temple (the equivalent of christening)
- enstehungsort = point of origin
- Evangeliar/evangelium = Gospel book/gospels
- Graduale = Gradual (choir book used in the Mass, ordered for the liturgical year; also included introits, tracts, alleluias, offertories, and communions)
- Antiphon = Antiphon ("One or more psalm verses or sentences from Holy Scripture which are sung or recited before and after each psalm and the Magnificat during Matins and Vespers")
- Gebetbuch = prayerbook
- Glossar = gloss/glossary ("a collection of words about which observations and notes have been gathered")
- Kreuzzug = crusade
Some terms used to describe cathedral treasury contents (mostly metalwork):
- Eichenholz = oak
- Email = enamel
- emailliert = enamelled
- Siber = silver
- Silberblech = sheet silver
- Wappen = crest/device/coat of arms
- Truhe = chest/coffer
- Kunstgewerbe = arts-and-crafts/applied arts
- Zedernholz = Cedar
- Kupfer = copper
- lasiert = glazed
- vergoldet = gilded/gold plated
- kasel = chausible
- chormantel =? cope
- edelmetall = precious metal
- Hohlguss = hollow casting
- Geißel = flagellum
- Karl der Große = Charlemange
- Ziborium = Ciborium
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