Saturday, 28 October 2006

Drop me a comment and show me that you love me...

......Drop me a comment and show me that you care.

Am I rambling to myself? I know a lot of this is written to clarify my own thoughts and so I can turn this into documentation later, but I'd love creative criticism, and even just silly questions and this will also help my thought process.

So, given the deathly silence so far, I'd like to know if anyone apart from me is reading this. Please drop a comment on this post if you are reading, but have found nothing to say about my previous posts.


  1. I'm reading as I can. I get a lot out of your analysis of the images you post. May I cite this blog in my Celsa LiveJournal?

  2. Feel free to cite this - this is a very public blog.
    I'm glad you appreciate the comments. Do remeber to add a grain of salt - I'm writing down my opinions mostly (which are only those of an obsessed amateur), and I do recant quite a few of my rambling opinons later. I'm much freerer with opinions here than in a class handout or published article, because I'm musing, and giving others a chance to discuss the more unusual things. When I'm firm about something being fact I'll try to give citations.

  3. Nice image collections and great to see something other than the usual Chartre statuary, especially the patterned German stuff. Any idea if the patterns are lible to be woven into the fabric or what?

    (LJ stellar_muddle, no blogger id)
    We met and talked in the corridor after one of the balls at Known World Dance. Previously Politicopolis, now Innilgard :)

  4. I remember meeting a lady in a lovely dress at KWDS - hi again!

    Woven into the fabric seems the most likely choice. There are plenty of examples of brocaded and other varieties of woven in patterns from the 12th C. There are also some names unique to such weaves (eg lampas) that we find references to as highly desired in the literature.
    The depicted patterns are probably simplifications of real fabrics, but they do show the trait we see on a lot of extant fabrics - an overall geometric framework.

    There is a possibility that a few were embroidered, but embroidered motifs tend to be applied to edges and be be less constrained to geometric shapes. Except a few in england here the theory is they were imitating expensive imported woven in patterned fabrics with embroidery.

    It's also possible they were some printed patterns, but the evidence for that suggests that didn't really get going until the late 13th C and even then was mostly used for furnishings that dind't get washed hardly at all.

  5. Hello. *waves* I read your blog. I love the pictures, it's filling my brain with ideas. I'm especially falling for the hooded tunic, and I think a plan to make something similar is formulating.

  6. Please show me your hooded tunic if you make one!
